Page 2 - CConcept Portfolio
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Established over a decade like-minded individuals who
ago, our journey began with shared our vision for
An interior architecture, a passionate designer's seamlessly integrating interior
lighting design and Landscape vision to create a unique design, lighting design, and
environement & architecture studio, seamlessly blending landscape architecture.
practice with a research-driven, interior and lighting design. Together, we've redefined
nature-centric, and Since then, we've expanded how spaces are conceived and
collaborative approach at its our portfolio across experienced, prioritizing
core. residential, commercial, and creativity and sustainability in
public spaces, continually all aspects of our work.
refining our craft with each
project. Despite facing challenges, our
dedication to excellence has
Our commitment to propelled us forward. Today,
innovation and sustainability we stand as industry leaders,
has led us to embrace recognized for our innovative
cutting-edge technologies designs and commitment to
and materials, ensuring our quality. With a talented team
designs not only dazzle the and a diverse portfolio of
eye but also enhance award-winning projects, we
well-being and connection. continue to push the
boundaries of design, leaving
In subsequent years, we a lasting impact on the world
joined forces with around us.